
Normal Price RM85.00RM150.00

Close to the famous Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, El Injerto is nestled in the highlands of Huehuetenango. El Injerto has become the most awarded coffee farm of the Cup of Excellence in Guatemala, winning 1st place 7 times. This Coffee is 100 percent Red Pacamara, which is a hybrid of two coffee varietals: Pacas, which is a Bourbon mutation, and Maragogipe, which is a Typica mutation. It was developed in El Salvador in the mid- twentieth century. The mixture at its best produces very deep, brothy flavors that always seem reminiscent of dark fruit like plums, raisins and prunes.this coffee goes through an exhaustive process of hand sorting, separation, and selection. Wetmilling is done on site, where coffee is cold fermented, soaked for 24 hrs after washing and dried very slowly on raised African beds in a greenhouse. This process enhances the flavors and increases the lifetime of the coffee.